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2020 Fauntleroy Community Survey

Every two years, the Fauntleroy Community Association conducts a survey of over 3000 residents in Fauntleroy. We ask questions about current issues affecting the Fauntleroy community, West Seattle, and Seattle as a whole. This allows us to understand what is important to our community and helps the board better focus on community concerns.

Any comments you have about this survey can be directed to survey@fauntleroy.net

Number of Respondents 450
1. Prior to this survey, were you aware of the Fauntleroy Community Association (FCA)?
Yes 291
No 154
2. Are you currently a member of the FCA?
Yes 110
No 333
3. Please rank the following transportation and traffic related issues in order of importance.
Ferry-related issues 3rd
Pedestrian Safety 2nd
Street Parking 4th
Bicycle-safety related issues 5th
Essential travel-only impacts (e.g., transit) 6th
Traffic issues related to bridge closure 1st

4. Car Prowl related questions:

0 1 2 3 4 5+
How many vehicles do you keep at your residence? 4 85 239 86 16 8
How many vehicles do you park on the street near your residence? 272 103 51 7 2 1
How many vehicles do you park in the driveway or carport of your residence? 136 162 114 19 2 0
How many vehicles do you park in a garage? 228 133 60 6 2 1
Have any of your vehicles ever been prowled or broken into near your residence?
Yes 210
No 226

5. Which of these crime and public safety issues are most important to you? (ranked choice)
Speeding 3rd
Motor vehicle noise 5th
Burglaries and car prowls 1st
Assault or crimes against persons 2nd
Crime prevention, including block watch programs 4th
Emergency preparedness 6th
6. The FCA recently wrote a letter to city officials to advocate against arbitrary budget reductions without a budget plan but to encourage reforms within the Seattle Police Department. Should the FCA continue to advocate on behalf of the neighborhood in this way?
Yes 360
No 61
7. A number of local buildings have been designated as historic landmark properties (e.g, the Admiral Theatre, Fauntleroy Community Church & YMCA). This status provides protection of property from development and limits the building owner from making certain changes to the property. Do you feel that the FCA should work to make historic preservation of neighborhood buildings a priority?
Yes 291
No 125


© 2025 Fauntleroy Community Association


Fauntleroy Community Association
PO Box 46343
Seattle WA 98146-6343
email: contact@fauntleroy.net